How to Avoid Losing Money When Playing Real Money Blackjack

BlackjackBlackjack is one of the oldest casino games that are still played commonly across the world, dating back all the way to the time of the French revolution when even the casinos themselves were radically different from how they are right now, believe it or not. Back then, the people you were playing blackjack with were other players instead of dealers employed by the casino, and as such you could come up with various tricks and strategies in order to defeat them. And while the game of blackjack doesn’t really change, there are two things that do – its name and the people you play against. Just like how, over hundreds of years, casinos gradually began employing dealers to play against the players, today we’re faced with yet another revolution as we see these very same dealers gradually becoming obsolete and being replaced by AI in online casinos.

Interestingly enough, while blackjack is, objectively speaking, the only casino game that can be beaten for an almost certain profit (by counting cards, like in the movie “21”), its transition online has completely destroyed the hopes and dreams of any potential card counters. And while there’s several guides online about how to succeed at online blackjack, such as this example, the truth of the matter is that, at the end of the day, it all relies on pure luck. Maybe you’ll get a blackjack, or maybe you’ll go bust immediately. With the deck being shuffled before each hand, there’s no accurate way to predict what will come next. All you can do is minimize your losses and wait for that big lucky break.

So, how do you do that? Well, there’s a couple of ways. First and foremost – bet small! Unless you can really, seriously afford it (and I doubt that you can, if you’re reading this), high rolling online is mostly not worth it. No matter what, you’re going to be losing more than you’re winning – the trick is to make it so that you cut your losses and maximize your winnings in order to turn in a profit at the end of the day, and that just doesn’t happen with high rolling. Another thing you should also always be looking out for are the odds – AI, unlike a real dealer, can be pretty dumb, and you should take full advantage of it! Sometimes it’s set to hit on a 17, or split tens every time – find those holes in its programming and exploit them!

At the end of the game, despite what many sites online will tell you, there’s no surefire way for you to win at online blackjack – the system was simply designed by people who specifically wanted to and did everything in their power to prevent that from happening. All you can do is make sure you maximize your winnings and minimize your losses. Don’t expect to become a millionaire… But if you do it right, you just might be able to get a little extra dough in your pocket!